Bentley Substation Help

Update a Project Database

Important: Do not update a database created for Bentley Substation V8i to be compatible with Bentley Substation CONNECT Edition or any CONNECT Edition Update versions. Project migration for these versions requires the projects to be backed up in V8i and restored into CONNECT Edition.

Before you begin

Execute the SQL_UpdateDB.sql script using SQL Server Management Studio, or sqlcmd or the osql utility. When the database to be updated is attached to SQL Server running on a machine other than the workstation, the script can be can be copied to the server machine from the workstation that has Bentley Substation installed, then executed by the database administrator.

When using this method to update a project database shared between multiple users, be sure the version of the software installed on the workstation being used matches the desired database version.

The script can be found in the Bentley Substation program folder on the workstation that has the application installed. If the file cannot be found, perform a search.

The script can be can be copied to the server machine and executed by the database administrator. For this example, the script will be executed using SQL Server Management Studio, which will need to be downloaded from Microsoft and installed separately when SQL Server 2014 is provided with the Bentley Substation package.

  1. Navigate to the script file in Windows Explorer and double click it. On machines where SQL Server Management Studio is installed, double clicking on a .sql file will open it in SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. When the Connect To Database window appears, enter the name of the server machine and instance where the database to be updated resides in the format MACHINENAME\INSTANCENAME . Consulting the Project Database tab of the software's Setup dialog may help determine what should be entered here. Select the appropriate Authentication method, then click Connect.
  3. When the script opens, find the following line:

    use [ $ShortProductName$ ]

    Change $ShortProductName$ to the name of the database to be updated. For example, to update a database named "Substation1", the line should be changed to the following:

    use [ Substation1 ]

  4. When the script opens, find the following line (this line may not exist for scripts from before SS8 so those users should skip this step and go to step 5):


    Change $ShortProductName$ to the name of the database to be updated. For example, to update a database named "Substation1", the line should be changed to the following:


  5. Find the following line:

    EXEC sp_addextendedproperty 'ShortProductName', ' $ShortProductName$ ', 'user', dbo, 'table', project;

    Change $ShortProductName$ in that line to Substation regardless of the name of the database being updated:

  6. Click the Execute button to execute the script. After successfully executing the script in SQL Server Management Studio, the Messages pane should display many lines of "(1 row(s) affected)" with no errors.